Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ring Tone Deaf

I'm curious what the thought process is for some people when they pick their ring tone... It must be something like this... "Hey, this one is really ridiculous and obnoxious!  And I can set it to ultra-high volume?  Excellent!".   Wankers.

I think Roberto Luongo might be the weirdest goalie ever.  But don't worry Canuckle Heads, you only have him for 11 MORE YEARS!

Is it just me or does the delivery guy in the Swiss Chalet commercial look like Jason Spezza?  I guess he needed something to do this spring!  Zing!

Stick it in your ear: "Penthouse Pauper" by CCR.  A good summer song and another example of a good tune that isn't on a Greatest Hits.

So The Big Shaq-Fu has hung up the size 22's.  I always liked how much fun he had and how goofy he was all the time.  Who was gonna argue with him I guess?  Good news is that he plans to go into broadcasting.

This is hilarious... Wooden Spoon Game.  So funny and reminds me of three guys I know.

Must be the Dutch in me... I will spend money on golf shirts and hats without thinking twice but I wont buy a bag of tees for $1.00 'cause it seems like too much money.

I wasn't expecting the Jays to be leading the league or anything but I was hoping for a bit more than this.

The Foo Fighters have a documentary out called "Back and Forth" and it is really good.  Even if you aren't a Foo's fan it is still worth watching.

This is an older one but still hilarious...  "Robin Williams".

Does watching Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh make anyone else miss MJ?

Why aren't there more round-abouts?  I've never heard anyone complain about them and they clearly work.

Car stereos should work like an iTunes account.  You should be able to send songs to your car stereo and build and edit playlists from your computer or phone.  Or even just sync your home iTunes account with your car.  Having an iPod plugged in with wires all over the place is stupid... reminds me of when I used to have to plug my discman into a cassette tape gizmo to listen to CD's in the old Oldsmobile!

I bet LL Cool J's Mom never told him to knock anyone out.


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